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Why it works

In the same way that a starfish defies the tremendous shock force of a crashing wave, our Patented Anchor System suctions and anchors imperceivably to the skin as it conforms to your lower leg. 

A starfish on a rock to represent how the KiSS X Tape Brace Hybrid Medical & Safety PPE System works
A photo of how the anchors work on the KiSS X Tape Brace Hybrid Medical & Safety PPE System
A biodex trend graph from the KiSS X Tape Brace Hybrid Medical & Safety PPE System study at Sydney University

Ankle sprains are a lot of work, literally, a force applied over distance (W=Fxd) ruptures your ligaments if not suppressed. KiSS X uses non-rigid forces, levers, and the 'Ankle Safety Valve' to harness nature while increasing resistance up to safe ROM (Range of Motion.) You can't feel it, but KiSS is doing the work for you as demonstrated here at University of Sydney.

Allowing the ankle to 'roll' respects Natures 'Safety Valve' and protects the knee. Only limiting the extremes of ROM, KiSS acts like a reusable airbag or car 'crumple zone', a large force spread over time and ROM, making effective prevention possible... up to 100% of the time!

We ship high quality Hand-made Australian Ankle systems worldwide for Athletes, Surgeons and Weekend Warriors

Decades waiting for Social Media, Science & Sports Litigation to expose the harm so we can bring you the safest ankle system on the planet.

We have developed & implemented our own 'Crash' & Mechanical Tests, using the product designer as a 'Crash Test Dummy.'

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